Why is DevOps Crucial for Modern Businesses?

With changing times and various new business adaptations, DevOps have become an integral part of the growth and efficiency of a business. With proper assessment of the core tools and structural phenomenon, DevOps ensure fast and reliable service delivery...

Data Security With Cloud Compliance: Meeting Regulations & Standards

Businesses from all industries are aware of the benefits of cloud computing. Some organizations are just getting started with migration as part of digital transformation initiatives, while others are implementing sophisticated multi-cloud, hybrid strategies. However, data security in cloud...

Migrating Data Safely: A Cyber Security Checklist for Enterprises

In many ways, you can compare data migration to moving to a new house. While the prospect of starting anew in a different environment can be exciting, there is always an inherent risk that you might unintentionally forget something...

Securing Kubernetes Deployments on AWS – Guide

Kubernetes Deployment on AWSKubernetes is open-source software for deploying and managing containerized applications at scale. Kubernetes can manage clusters on Amazon EC2 instances, run containers on those instances, and perform deployment, maintenance, and scaling processes.Kubernetes lets you run...

Serverless Security Protection – A Guide to Key Advantages

Third-party cloud services open up any business to new risks.The high number of components of serverless applications are difficult to track and manage by security teams.Increased attack surfaces create more entry points that can lead threat actors into organizations.For...

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